We will
continue to explore the sacrament of Baptism, how we belong to our family,
school family, Parish family and how we are welcomed into God’s family. We will
talk about who is there and what happens during the ceremony of Baptism – the
priest, family, godparents, oil, water, white clothes, candle, and special
name. We will focus on the candle - Jesus said “I am the
light”. Jesus was trying to tell people that he would care for them and keep
them safe. How can we show love to each other?
We will sing “See this little light of mine” and “I belong to the family
of God”. We will also share the story of the Presentation of Our Lord from the Bible and the Wednesday Word.
Communication, language and literacy
This week’s story is “The Gingerbread Man”. We will read the story together, retell, draw and write about what happened to the Gingerbread Man. We will hear, say and write the sounds in words and learn how to write high frequency words e.g. he, the, and. We are going to play phonic games including changing the sounds in CVC words to make new words, listening to/say first sounds of different objects and playing word family games.
-We will measure the teddies we have brought to school and use the language of size and measurement. We will have the opportunity to look at some basic units of measure (cubes) in order to find out how big our teddy is and then use this to compare and order the teddies within a group.
- We will add two sets of our teddies together, and start to count on from a given number.
-We will solve everyday addition problem.
2- Outdoor wheeled toys/Circle games/Dough Disco
3- 3 supported handwriting sessions – copying under a sentence/letter formation
4- The importance of cleaning work surfaces and using clean utensils.
2. Cut and stick gingerbread men to order to 10/20.
3. Assemble/design a gingerbread man.
4, ICT - Net books
5. Gingerbread – what would have happened to the Gingerbread man if he had gone into water.
6. Peter and the Wolf music by Prokofiev.
7. Drawing our teddy bear.