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Wednesday, 13 January 2016

week beginning 18/1/16

We will continue to explore the sacrament of Baptism, how we belong to our family, school family, Parish family and how we are welcomed into God’s family. We will talk about who is there and what happens during the ceremony of Baptism – the priest, family, godparents, oil, water, white clothes, candle, and special name. We will focus on the candle - Jesus said “I am the light”. Jesus was trying to tell people that he would care for them and keep them safe. How can we show love to each other?  We will sing “See this little light of mine” and “I belong to the family of God”.
We will also share the story of the Presentation of Our Lord from the Bible and the Wednesday Word.

Communication, language and literacy
This week’s story is “The Gingerbread Man”. We will read the story together, retell, draw and write about what happened to the Gingerbread Man. We will hear, say and write the sounds in words and learn how to write high frequency words e.g. he, the, and. We are going to play phonic games including changing the sounds in CVC words to make new words, listening to/say first sounds of different objects and playing word family games.

-We will measure the teddies we have brought to school and use the language of size and measurement. We will have the opportunity to look at some basic units of measure (cubes) in order to find out how big our teddy is and then use this to compare and order the teddies within a group.
 - We will add two sets of our teddies together, and start to count on from a given number.
-We will solve everyday addition problem.

 Physical Development
1-     PE session – children to look at ways in which they can travel across a mat.
2-    Outdoor wheeled toys/Circle games/Dough Disco
3-    3 supported handwriting sessions – copying under a sentence/letter formation
4-    The importance of cleaning work surfaces and using clean utensils.

 Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
1. Gingerbread man role play.
2. Cut and stick gingerbread men to order to 10/20.
3. Assemble/design a gingerbread man.
4, ICT - Net books
5. Gingerbread – what would have happened to the Gingerbread man if he had gone into water.
6. Peter and the Wolf music by Prokofiev.
7. Drawing our teddy bear.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Week beginning 2/11/2015

People who care for us.
We will talk about family. Who is in our family? Who do we love? Who do we live with? Who else is in our family? Talk about places that we go with our family.
We will chat about what we do at home before we come to school. Who has helped us get ready?
How do people in our family show love and care to each other?
We will draw and label picture and talk about their families. We will read Bible stories and talk about the Wednesday Word.

Communication, language and literacy
During circle time we will listen to each other and talk about our half term school holiday, We will draw and write about the different activities we have enjoyed.
We will learn new sounds w, v, j and z and practise the sounds learnt so far, hearing them in words, reading them and practise tracing /copy writing over sounds with emphasis on correct pencil grip and formation. We will build words using these sounds and read high frequency words. We will continue to sing Nursery rhymes focussing on the rhyming word we can hear and think of new words that rhyme.

We will use Numicon shapes to develop our counting and number pattern skills. We will also count and say I more than a given number. We will sing number rhymes and talk about the properties of 2D and 3D shape.

Physical Development
1-     Dressing before and after PE independently.
2-    Dance and movement to different music.
3-    Wider outdoor activities – scooters/bikes/hoops/bean bags.
4-    Supported handwriting sessions per week

Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Sense of smell – guess what’s in the pot.
Firework pictures – blow painting, chalk pictures,
Chocolate finger sparklers

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Week beginning 19/10/15

Welcome! We have all had a busy half term settling into school, getting to know each other and starting our learning journey at Holy Souls School.
The themes we are exploring this half term through all learning areas –
God’s Gifts (I am special, creation, God’s beautiful world) Me and my family,
My school, My Church, My friends,  
Autumn and Harvest, the seasons and changes we can see around us
This week
God’s gifts. I am special in lots of ways and God has given me many gifts.
We will talk to a talk partner about the gifts that God has given us.
Every day we will pray together. We will make the sign of the cross. We will say the Hail Mary and talk about Mary in her special month of October.
Then we will celebrate in a prayer service, lighting a candle, to thank God our Father for our gifts and the gifts He has given others. We will share stories from the Bible and the Wednesday Word.
Communication, Language and literacy
Our focus stories this week are “Room on the Broom” and “Pumpkin Soup”. We are going to listen and talk about what happened in the stories and focus on rhyming words. We will make our own rhyming string of words e.g. hat, cat, mat.
Every day we will read stories about Kipper and his family, together in small groups. We will practise holding our pencil correctly, forming our letters the correct way and read and write our names. We are going to listen to Autumn and Harvest poems. We will focus on the letter sounds u l f b and learn the Jolly Phonic songs and actions.
We will focus on 2D shape properties and play games where will hide and guess the shape by describing it,
We are going to match amount to numeral, using our fingers and say one more or one less than a given number.
Physical Development
We will learn how to get changed for PE independently.
We will develop our fine motor skills by threading, playing “dough disco” and handwriting practice.
We are going to use the outdoor wheeled toys and further develop our spatial awareness and listening skills in the Hall.
We will talk about how to keep clean and healthy.
Understanding the world/Exploring media and materials
Pumpkins – observe school garden, observe describe a pumpkin – inside and out!
Farm animals – small world role play
Draw a picture of a farmer and discuss
Espresso computer activities linked to learning area
Charanga music, singing songs, playing percussion instruments
Collage scarecrow
Make a leaf hedgehog.

Friday, 12 June 2015

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Days of the Week

Doubling and Halving

We are learning about doubles and halves.
Can you work out the answers?

 Double 3 is ...
Half of 6 is ...
 Double 2 is ...
Half of 4 is ...
 Double 1 is ...
Half of 2 is ...
 Double 4 is ...
Half of 8 is ...
 What would this be?
 Can you work out the double?
 Can you work out the answer?
What would the answer be here?
Can you draw your own doubles?

Friday, 5 June 2015

Week beginning 8/6/2015

Pentecost – we will talk about how the disciples felt during Pentecost and using talk partners discuss times when we have felt frightened or worried.  Why? How would Jesus’ friends have felt in a dark room all alone?
We will sing Alleluia and read the Story of Pentecost from the Bible again. We are going to focus on the feelings of the disciples before they received the Holy Spirit and afterwards. We will talk about the Holy Spirit -sometimes things happen but we can’t see why (effect of wind blowing) and Jesus had promised to send the disciples the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost day they remembered that Jesus had kept his promise.
We will all use music and movement as a way of expressing the different thoughts and feelings of the disciples before and after receiving the Holy Spirit from Jesus and we will experience the feeling of a strong wind (fan) like the disciples and use percussion instruments to express how they would have felt before and after receiving the Holy Spirit from Jesus.
We will also share the story of the stories from the Bible and the Wednesday Word.
Communication, language and literacy
This week’s story is “The Pig in the Pond”. We will read the story together, retell, draw and write about what happened to the animals on the farm. We will hear, say and write the sounds in words and learn how to write high frequency words e.g. he, the, and, because.
We are going to play the game “Full Circle” changing the sounds in words to make new words.
Every day we are going to practise our handwriting skills – forming our letters correctly, the same size and writing on the line.
We will use the farm resources to practise addition and subtraction skills in the context of the Pig in the Pond story. We will find total, using the correct addition and subtraction vocabulary within 20, 10, and 6.
We are also going to use the outdoor tough trays to practise addition and subtraction skills in the context of the Pig in the pond story.
3D shape creations – we will use 3D wooden shapes to build a model of our choice and then talk about our model to our friends – talking about the shapes we have chosen and why we have used certain shapes for given purposes.
We will practise recognising and ordering our numbers to 20 and soling real life number problems.
Physical Development
PE session – large and small ball skills
Outdoor wheeled toys/hoops/bean bags
Cutting activities
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Pentecost dance.
Pentecost flames collage. (Reds, yellows and oranges)
Free creative
Free role play.
Expressing feelings.
Singing Pentecost songs – We are one in the spirit.
Caterpillars – observation – observe any change to date.
Environment –Comparing where we live to a seaside environment.
Pentecost - celebration.
ICT Paint it independent pictures.
Espresso – feelings.