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Thursday, 28 April 2011
The Royal Wedding
We have been talking about the Royal Wedding. We have been talking about William and Kate. We are ever so excited about the wedding. This is a work pack that has been sent home.
There is a picture to colour.
You can draw a picture of the wedding.
You can design the cake and stick decorations on it.
We made crowns for a King today.
We chose what materials we would like to use.
We made Tiaras for a Princess.
We liked the shiny bits.
We used glue.
We used felt tips.
We loved the sparkly bits.
We really enjoyed ourselves.Do you like our crowns and tiaras?
We decorated cakes with the colours red, white and blue. These are the colours of our flag. Do you know what it is called?
We used white icing, blue icing and two types of strawberry laces.
First we put the icing on the cakeNext we put red laces on the cake. We looked at the flag.
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