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Friday, 29 May 2015

Week beginning 1/6/2015

We will talk about the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. What happened? How did Jesus’ friends feel?
We will look at the prayer focus and discuss why the colour red has been chosen.
We will read the story of Pentecost. Can we remember the main points of the story? – use talk partners – look at pictures.
We are going to explore some of the things that happen in church for Pentecost, (prayer/Mass/it is called the birthday of the Church)
Revisit the Sign of the Cross and remember that we say the Holy Spirit every time we use our special sign at prayer.
We will share the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.
Communication, language and literacy
Whole class speaking and listening circle time – we will to take turns to speak in full sentences about our May half term holiday. We will then draw, write, paint about it.
We will play “Full Circle” phonics game with “satpin” CVC words, sh ch th and ar ai and oo.
We will practise our letter formation every day. We are going to read the big book “Shark’s Tooth”.
We are going to use gold fish bowls to practise addition and subtraction skills. Teacher will model adding and subtracting sets of goldfish and children to find total, using the correct addition and subtraction vocabulary, within 20, 10 and 6.
We will use the outdoor water trays to practise addition and subtraction skills. Teacher to model adding and subtracting one set of underwater animals from the water tray – children to find total, using the correct addition and subtraction vocabulary.
We will be counting on and back and solving real life problems.
Physical Development
PE session – large and small ball skills
Outdoor wheeled activities/hoops/problem solving.
Threading activity
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.-
Looking at the flower area – conserving an area, how they are maintained? Who maintains them?
-Caterpillars – life cycles –observe grow of caterpillars in class
Environment –Comparing where we live to a farm/countryside.
- Pentecost - celebration.
- ICT Paint it guided pictures
- Animal music – choosing suitable instruments to match the sound of an animal.
- Pentecost collage. (Reds, yellows and oranges)
- Free creative collage/paint
- Free role play

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