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Sunday, 12 October 2014

Week beginning 13/10/14

This week we will share the Bible story of Creation. We will discuss that this is the first story in the Bible and talk about each part of our world that God made – light/dark, land, sea, and sky, people and animals, fish and birds, plants and trees. On the seventh day God rested. We will share our favourite things in our world and say thank you to God for them. We will sequence the story of Creation in the order as shared in the bible story.
During prayer time we will thank you God for our world and all of the beautiful things in it.
On Monday afternoon we will join Key Stage One to celebrate Mass in school.
Communication, language and literacy
We will read story “Room on the Broom” – discuss, answer and ask questions about the story – developing our speaking and listening skills. We will choose rhyming words in the story and try to think of alternative rhyming words.
We will focus hearing and reading the sounds r, h, b and f and trace names and the letters r, n, m, h.
We will use the autumn tree resource – matching the correct number of apples to the number displayed on the autumn tree, sing a selection of number rhymes and play an activity matching our fingers to a given number. We will play number circle – as we count around the circle we will sit down when our number is chosen.
We will use paint and straws to blow paint from one side of a tray to the other. We will estimate and count how many blows it takes to for the paint to reach the other side of the tray!
Physical Development
Dressing before and after PE independently.
We will dance – matching body actions to music!
Healthy eating discussion – how to keep clean – washing our bodies.
We will practise our pencil grip, control and formation.
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Diwali – Recap previous Diwali learning and paint our Divas.
Autumn learning – children to talk about the seasons and observe their environment and share their ideas about autumn.
We will use a computer program on the computer and Netbooks
We will explore how we use our voices and percussion instruments through singing, Music Express and Charanga.

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