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Sunday, 30 November 2014

Advent weeks

Over the next three weeks will be preparing for Jesus’ birthday. We will read, talk, draw, paint, sing, write and role play the events of the first Christmas. We will focus on -
Advent – walk with me calendar, Advent wreath and theme of purple.
The angel visits Mary _ Printing activity – printing the Angel and Mary
Jesus is born.
The shepherds visit Baby Jesus
Prayer and our Advent promise.
Explore themes of preparation and celebration-
Mass/Assemblies, make Christmas card for family, decorate tree, classroom, paintings,
Prepare for our Nativity Play for parents on the 10th December.

 We will continue to have daily guided reading, phonic and writing sessions. We will read lots of stories about Christmas and learn new Christmas songs. We will share our experiences and observation through discussion and Circle time.
Every day we will continue to develop our number skills through activities, many with a Christmas theme e.g. 3D shape presents, 2D shape pictures, pattern making Christmas wrapping paper, addition counting/sorting/matching Christmas objects. Time – advent, Christmas events. Advent Calendar numbers.

We will also discuss how to keep ourselves fit and healthy. What would we put in a healthy lunchbox? Why do we need to have a good night’s sleep?
Outdoor physical activities - develop cutting skills through making Christmas decorations and collage. Throwing the bean bag into a given target, wrapping presents, treasure hunt, build a stable and decorate the tree.
We will compare life in Jesus’ time and ours. How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? What clothes did they wear?
We will make Advent displays for the classroom and the hall, paint Christmas pictures and make cards and collages. We are learning new songs for our Nativity play and Christmas songs and rhymes.

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