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Saturday, 15 November 2014

Week beginning 17/11/14

We will continue to explore the story of Jesus Lost in the Temple.
Why had Jesus gone to the temple? What was Jesus doing when Mary realised he was lost?
We will recall our thoughts/retell about the story of Jesus lost in the temple, looking at the photograph of us role playing the story last week.  We will talk, draw and write about what happened and how Jesus and his parents felt.
We will listen and retell through role play the story from the Bible of “The Wedding at Cana”.
We will share the Wednesday Word and participate in our class prayer service.
Communication, language and literacy
We will listen to the stories of “Go Away Floppy” and ”Hide and Seek” over two weeks and then discuss the story with a talk partner - developing our speaking and listening skills. We will write and draw about the stories.
We will learn new sounds from Phase 3 Letters and Sounds (y, z, zz, qu) and revise the sounds we know - hearing them in words, reading them and practise tracing /copy writing over sounds with emphasis on correct pencil grip and formation.
We will revisit last week’s learning about addition. Using classroom chairs outdoors we will to role play being on a bus – using the concept/language of addition as people get on and talking about having one less when one person gets off.
We will compare the properties of 2D and 3D shape and practise our counting skills.
Physical Development
We will continue to develop our fine motor skills through threading, cutting and drawing and using dough in the “Dough Disco” activity! The large wheeled toys will be explored and during PE we will practise getting dressed and undressed, moving, stopping, finding a space and dancing to different music.
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Using pictures, sequencing the growth of a baby to an adult.
Wedding at Cana role play
Music – Music Express and Charanga
Small world role play
Creative table – free choice collage/drawing using a variety of materials
Hand printing

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