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Sunday, 23 November 2014

Week beginning 24/11/14

We will be learning about Advent. What is Advent? How do we prepare for Jesus’ birthday? We will talk about the many ways to get ready, change colour of prayer focus to purple, guess what’s in a purple box, make a tree of kindness and an Advent necklace. We will discover how the Advent Wreath helps us prepare and that Sunday is a special celebration day when the Advent candles will be lit on the four Sundays leading to Christmas.
We will make an Advent promise – promising God that we will do something special in the weeks before Christmas.
We will learn new Advent songs and make a class Advent wreath. We will take part in a whole school Advent day. We will share the Wednesday Word and read the Bible together.
Communication, language and literacy
We will listen to the stories of Go Away Floppy and Hide and Seek over two weeks and then discuss the story with a talk partner. We will talk about the story, write a sentence, hearing and writing the sounds in words, use finger spaces and full stops. Task activity:  We will focus on pencil grip and correct letter formation. We will be segmenting and blending consonant/vowel/consonant words (CVC words).
Every day we will participate in guided reading.
We will revisit last week’s learning about addition involving counting children on/off the counting bus. We will do this practically with ourselves as passengers and as a table game. We will use the words lots, more, how many, altogether, makes. Every day we will focus on a number and shape.
Physical Development
1-     Dressing before and after PE independently.
2-    Dance and movement to different music.
3-    Wider outdoor activities – scooters/bikes/hoops/bean bags.
4-    3 supported handwriting sessions per week
5-    Dough disco.
6-    Healthy Eating – make a healthy lunchbox
7-    (see fine motor skills below)
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
1.       Share ideas about healthy eating and make links about being healthy. E.g. talking about healthy foods and other things that contribute to a healthy body – a good night’s sleep.
2.        Use remote controlled cars and explore making the car move in a chosen direction. Skills of perseverance to be observed to identify children who sustain in an activity to fulfil the task.
3.     Advent customs/traditions – observation.
4.     Remote car control.
5.      Do something different for Advent day.
6.     Netbooks
7.     Create Christmas display.
8.     Threading advent necklace.
9.     .Playdough Advent wreath.
10.   Learn new songs for our Reception Nativity Play.
11.   "Do something different for Advent" day.

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