We are
going to talk, draw and write about Baptism. What happens? Who celebrates and
where? Who else is there? What is needed? What is said? Why are we Baptised?What is a candle like? What is special about a Baptismal candle?
We will role play a simple Baptismal Liturgy – including -
Giving the baby a Christian name.
Clothing the baby in a white garment
Pouring water over the baby’s head.
Using the words of the Sign of the Cross while water poured
Receiving the baptismal candle
Look at the role of mum/dad/Godparents/Priest.
We will share the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.
Communication, language and literacy
This week’s story is “The Little Red Hen”. We will read the story together, retell, draw and write about what happened to the Hen. We will hear, say and write the sounds in words and learn how to write high frequency words e.g. he, the, and. We are going to play the game “Full Circle” changing the sounds in CVC words (and words with sh/ch) to make new words and listen to/say first sounds of different objects. We will practice forming our letters correctly.
Every day we will read our group reading book together. We will share different types of books from our book box.
We will focus on subtraction by way of takeaway rhymes, reinforce that we are taking away using subtraction vocabulary. We will stop rhyme each time on object or person is removed so that we can count and see that there is physically less.
We will use the ten in the bed story resource (bed outline and compare bears) to practically remove teddies from the bed and count to find out how many are left.
Through making bread together we are going to talk about different measurements in relation to measuring weight, why is it important? How can we find out how heavy something is?
We are all going to participate in a bread making activity – looking at quantity required, measuring ingredients and deciding whether to add more or less of an ingredient.
We will also recognise numbers, count objects, order numbers and find missing numbers on a number track.
Physical Development
1- PE session – look at ways in which we can travel across a mats, benches and boxes. We will talk about how to stay safe while using the equipment and how to take turns fairly and safely.
2- Outdoor wheeled toys/hoops.
3- 3 supported handwriting sessions per week – copying under a sentence.
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
· Junk modelling- e.g. Three Bears house/fairy tale castle
· Beebots – programmable toy.
· ICT pictures – draw your favourite character from a Traditional story using “Paint it”
· Making bread.
· Helping others (link to Red Hen)
· The weather - seasons
Free painting
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