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Sunday 1 March 2015

Week beginning 2/3/15

We will talk about Lent and what we have done so far, review our promises that we have made this Lent and look at today’s calendar.  What is it asking us to do?
We are going to recall creation work and the ideas of the gifts of creation and think about the gifts of our talents that God has given us. How can we use them during Lent to serve God and care for others? We will share a simple version of the Parable of the Talents.  How does this story of Jesus remind us what we have to do? We will write a prayer about how we can use our gifts and talents to help others and thank God for them.
Share the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.
Communication, language and literacy
This week is World Book Day week and we will be sharing lots of Pirate stories – from school and from home. On Thursday we are going to dress up as pirates, share stories, role,play, draw, write, paint, sing and dance about pirates! We are going to talk, draw and write independently about what we have participated in and observed. We will hear, say and write the sounds in words and write high frequency words e.g. I, he, the, and. We are going to play the game “Buried Treasure” matching CVC words (and words with sh/ch) and make new words, listen to/say first sounds of different objects. We will practice forming our letters correctly.
Our focus this week is subtraction and we will use gold coins and treasures to practise our subtraction skills and mathematical language. We will use and develop our capacity skills in the sand and compare heights of everyone in class.
We will order count objects, recognise and order numerals.
Physical Development
1-     PE session – Pirate dancing!
2-    Outdoor wheeled toys
3-    Supported handwriting sessions per week, pencil grip and formation/ fine motor activities
4-    Healthy eating and importance of good hygiene
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
 Role play – Pirates and Occupations.
 Make a pirate ship
Pirates -CBeebies/Pirate dancing
Making pirate hats/telescopes/patches
Painting pirate signs e.g. pirate hat
The seasons
ICT pictures-Traditional story characters.
Free painting.
Free collage/Lent collage
Music express and Charanga.
Goldilocks roleplay area

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