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Saturday 21 March 2015

Week beginning 23/3/15

This week we are going to share, reflect and talk about the events of Holy Week.
Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
The Stations of the Cross
Jesus dies on the cross
We will talk about Lent – have we kept our Lenten Promises? What does the Walk with Me calendar ask us to do each day?
Both Reception classes will celebrate Liturgies - Palm Sunday and The Last Supper.
There will be a Holy Week challenge set during Monday’s Assembly. We will mediate/pray before the large cross and take part in Holy Week activities involving the signs and symbols of Lent, Holy Week and new life.
Other ongoing activities include -
-       Looking at traditions & customs.
-       Easter and Easter in other countries.
-       Holy week processions
-       New life /Spring
-       Easter baskets – melting chocolate, observing changes
-       Lenten counting – How many were at the Last Supper table?
-       Stations of the Cross – Roman numerals.
-       Easter cards
-       Holy Week role play
-       Palm Sunday – cross.
-       Finger print – crucifix.
-       Easter baskets

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