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Friday 6 March 2015

Week beginning 9/3/15

We will talk about the gifts that God has given us, remember that a special gift given by God was that of choosing and think about some of the choices we make each day.
We will explore how we can choose to behave in a certain way and play a game modelled on ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ – thinking of real life situations, e.g. If you find the classroom in a mess - give choices. Do you a)? b)? c)?
We will remember that Lent is a time when we can choose to go without something and share with others.
We can choose to go without sweets and give the money to others. E.g. Good Shepherd collection.
We will reflect on some of the things that Jesus chose to do for other people and read the story of the healing of the blind man.  How did Jesus’ choice help the man who was blind?
We are going to talk about how we can help others during Lent and make the right choices following Jesus’ examples.
We will share the Walk with me calendar, the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.
Communication, language and literacy
Our traditional story this week is ” Little Red Riding Hood”. We will share, retell, draw and write about the story.
We are going to label a map showing Little Red Riding Hood’s journey to her grandmother’s house, hearing and writing sounds within the words and also labelling the compass on the map.
We will play a phonic game from the story chest and write shared sentences in small groups.
We are going to revise last week’s learning about subtraction and subtraction vocabulary. We will count  eggs into Little Red Riding Hood’s basket and then takeaway, given amounts of eggs.
Using Little Red Riding Hood’s basket we will participate in singing the mystery basket song and feel a 3D shape from the basket describing what we can feel and having a guess at what shape it might be, using shape language.
We will practise number recognition and ordering, including missing numbers and reordering numbers that are not consecutive. e.g 5,8,11,15
Physical Development
-        Activity -What makes Grandma unwell? Discuss different reasons and most likely reason.
-       PE session – travelling on large apparatus
-       Outdoor wheeled toys, games
-       Dough gym, handwriting, cutting activity
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.-
-       Observe and compare bean growth.
-       Taking photos of beans
-       Plant still life drawings
-       Drawing maps
-       Mother’s Day Cards
-        Easter Cards Cross college
-       Music express and Charanga.
-       Lent activities
-       Free painting and collage

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