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Sunday, 26 April 2015

Week beginning 27/4/15

We will talk about the Easter candle and how important it is. We will look again at the different symbols and talk about what they mean, that it is a special candle for Easter, a sign of celebration and a reminder that Jesus who died on the cross is alive again.
We will all visit church to look at and talk about the Paschal candle with our talk partners and take photos to look at in class. We will sing Alleluia to celebrate that Jesus is alive.
We are going to look at our own RE work with a friend in celebration of all we have achieved so far in this year.
We will make an observational of the Easter candle.
We will share the Walk with me calendar, the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.

Communication, language and literacy
-       We are going to use our writing skills to write for different purposes –
-        A list of our favourite TV Programmes.
-       I love Animals –the animals we like best
-       What I did at playtime.
-       My Family
-       Healthy foods.
We will play a phonic game from the story chest and practice writing CVC words and ai, ng, sh, ch, th sounds.

We will be enjoying the following practical activities -
2d/3d shape properties.
Counting on using dice
Counting backwards
Ladybirds for display.
Counting 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Cars rolling down a ramp (distance)
Towers (language of height)
Weighing animals – scales and cubes.
Children to count on from a given number.

Physical Development
-        Keeping healthy
-       PE session – travelling on large apparatus
-       Outdoor wheeled toys, games
-       Dough gym, handwriting, cutting activity

Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.-
-       Being safe – using the lollipop lady.
-       Drawing the Easter candle
-       Changing our behaviour in a range of situations.
-       Summer walk
-       Environment – Koala and monkey.
-       Summer walk.
-       Music express and Charanga.
-       Free painting and collage

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