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Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week beginning 4/5/15

We will talk about the events leading up to Easter and what happened at the Resurrection. We will observe and discuss the signs of new life around us – including our observations at the farm. We will share how these events make us feel. How might Jesus’ friends have felt?
We are going to look at our RE books with a friend and talk about our work and activities we have done.
We will share the Wednesday Word and stories of the Bible.
 Communication, language and literacy
We will read “I Love Animals” independently and share our favourite animals. We are going to talk about our farm visit, sequence the day and talk about our favourite parts/animals – talking in clear sentences.
Every day we are going to have a different writing focus - writing for different purposes e.g. list, sentence, letter.
We will continue to learn new sounds from “Letters and Sounds Phase 2 and 3” and practise forming our letters correctly.
We will choose a library book to read and share at home on Friday.
Activites to include -
Recognise and order numbers to 20 and beyond
2d/3d shape properties
Counting on using dice
Counting backwards
Counting 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Cars rolling down a ramp (distance)
Weighing animals – scales and cubes.
Physical Development
PE session – large apparatus,
 Outdoor wheeled toys/Circle games/Dough Disco
 Clean and healthy – the importance of washing hands – particularly at the farm this week
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Being safe at the farm
Changing our behaviour in a range of situations.
ICT E – safety. Pop up’s – what should we do?
Environment –Comparing where we live to a farm/countryside.
Dancing to different genres of music.
Music express and Charanga

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