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Sunday, 29 June 2014

Week beginning 30/6/14

The Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is on Sunday 29th June and so we will be reading, talking and writing about the lives of these key Saints and how they have and can influence our lives.

We will be leading Reception/KS1 Mass on Monday afternoon. We will focus on Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

Communication, language and literacy
We will be looking at non-fiction books and comparing them to fiction books. We will find out information about different animals and sharing this with our group.

We will hear, read and write sounds in words – continuing to learn Phase 2 and 3 from Letters and Sounds. We will also focus on sentence structure and un jumble sentences together.

Using our number skills we will work out “how many more” to make a given set. We will recognise and order numbers to 10/20 and look at numbers special to us on a hundred square. We will say the number before, after and between a given number.

Physical Development
We will continue to practise for our Sports Day, develop our Fit 4 Schools skills and ball skills.

We will be using scissors and a variety of materials to make collage pictures.

Understanding the world
We will compare old and new photos – looking at Sacred Heart Church and Parish then and now.

We’ll read the story “Peepo” and look at the objects and lifestyles in the past.

Using our water trays we will experiment with a variety of objects to see which will sink and which will float.

We will think about how our local environment would look without people working to keep it tidy e.g. refuse collectors, road cleaner.

Expressive arts and design
We will be designing pictures, flags, animal masks using a variety of tools and materials.

We will choose and use different percussion instruments to explore the sounds they make and how we can change them.

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