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Saturday, 6 September 2014



The main focus for your child this half term will be to settle happily into their new classroom, learn routines and to make new friends at Holy Souls. Over the first weeks your child will access the curriculum through the topics, ‘Ourselves’ and ‘Autumn’. (See curriculum overview for Autumn Term).The curriculum will be delivered both indoors and outdoors.

Through these topics the children will develop their Religious understanding, Personal, social and emotional skills, Communication, Language and Literacy skills, Mathematical development, Understanding the World, Physical and Creative development.

The children will be supported and encouraged to become independent learners who can successfully manage and challenge their own learning.

Each week the Reception blog will show details of the learning planned to take place.

We have Reception Inspire workshops –
Reception T – Thursday 18th September
Reception KQ –  Friday 19th September

Our Reception Welcome Mass is on Sunday 21st September 2014, 10am at Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church.


James said...

James and his family are looking forward to the mass for all reception children.

Miss Wood said...

Hello from Year 3! Welcome to all of our new friends in Reception. We hope you have a lovely time at Holy Souls School!