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Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Week beginning 5/1/2015


The Epiphany – we will read the story of the Three Wise men when they visit baby Jesus from the Bible.
We will discuss the story – How did the three Kings get to Bethlehem.
What gifts did they take?
Look at different Christmas cards showing the Three Kings.
Sing “Three wise Men”
We will make a crown and talk about the Nativity story, dress up in clothes the Three Wise Men would have worn,
We will share the Wednesday Word and stories from the Bible.

Communication, language and literacy
We will talk about an event from the Christmas holidays, listening and taking turns to speak about something we have enjoyed over the holidays. We will draw and write about this special time.

We will revise all sounds learnt to date with the opportunity to segment and blend given words on whiteboards and pens.
We will revisit the names of 3D shapes and talk about their properties, look at how to wrap the shapes and talk about the number of sides/faces etc on the shapes. What size of paper will we need?
Number revision – revisiting counting, number recognition and more and less.
We will work in the outdoor area to revise number skills using practical outdoor equipment – activities to include counting claps, jumps, skipping ropes, bean bags

Physical Development
PE session – children to look at ways in which they can travel across a mat using their feet.
Outdoor wheeled toys/ball skills
3 supported handwriting sessions per week
Dough disco.

Understanding the world/Expressive arts and design.
Look at various ways people celebrate New Year around the world.
Discuss why we give and receive gifts.
Design and make a crown like one of the Three King’s crowns.
Free painting and collage.
Explore lighter and darker paint mixing.

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