We will talk about our family and
how we also belong to other family groups - class family, school family, Church
/Parish family. We will discuss how we join God’s family through Baptism, look
at the photographs brought into school and talk about how we are given a
Christian name – a name that God calls them by.
We will write and decorate their
name and display them around our Baptism display.What does it feel like to be part of a family?
Have you been to a special celebration in church?
We will share the Wednesday Word, read stories from the Bible, participate in class prayers and prayer service and gather/listen and share School Assembly class on Tuesday.
We will explore our environment and talk about what we see, hear and feel.
Communication, language and literacy
As part of our theme “Traditional Stories” this term, we will focus on “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. Our role play area will be the Three Bears cottage and we will pretend to be the different characters in the story. We will talk, draw and write about the events in the story – hearing and writing the sounds in words. We will write sentences remembering full stops and spaces. We are learning the read and write high frequency words the, to, and, he, she and was. We are going to continue to learn how to blend and segment words- focusing on consonant/vowel/consonant words (CVC) eg h-a-t= hat, p-a-n= pan, c-o-t = cot. We will hear, read and share lots of stories together,
We will practice our letter formation.
We are going on a Bear Hunt- in the playground! We are going to find bears, count them, add sets of bears together, using correct mathematical language. The hut in the playground will be the Three Bears House and we will compare how many we have found - Who found the most?’ ‘Who found the least?’ Did anyone have the same amount?
We will find the missing number from a number line, reorder numerals on a number track and practice our 1:1 counting skills.
We will talk about the properties of 3D shape as we wrap different shaped items – estimating how much paper we are going to use!
Physical Development
1- PE session – children to
look at ways in which they can travel across a mat using their feet.
2- Outdoor wheeled
toys/hoops/bean bags
3- 3 supported handwriting
sessions per week
4- The importance of washing
our hands – hygiene.
5- The importance of having
6- Wrapping solid shapes.
Understanding the world/Expressive arts and
- Outdoor nature walk – collecting pine cones, twigs,
stones to use in their creative art work.
- Baptism – Discussion of why they were given their name.
Children to decorate their name.
- Espresso – seasons – compare to our current
- Golidlocks – outdoor and indoor role play using gazebo
and Goldilocks resources.
- Pencil drawing of our class saint.
- Nature collage, using the materials gathered from the “Three
Bear’s Woods”!
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